Showing posts from October, 2018
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YEAR-WISE EVENTS;IMPORTANT DATES OF INDIAN HISTORY BC Events 2350-1750 Indus Valley Civilisation. 540 Birth of Mahavir;Nirvana in 468 BC 563 Birth of Gautam Buddha;Nirvana in 483 BC 327-26 Alexander’s invasion of India and the opening of land rote between India and Europe. 269-232 Ashoka’s reign. 261 Battle of Klainga. 57 Beginning of Vikrama era. AD Events 78 Beginning of Saka era 320 Beginning of Gupta era 380-413 Rule of Chandragupta Vikramaditya,age of Kalidasa,renewal of Hinduism. 606-647 Rule of Harsha Vardhana. 629-645 Hieun Tsang;s visit in India. 1001-25 Repeated attacks of Mahmud of Ghazni. 1191 First battle of Tarain in which Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Mohd.Ghori. 1192 Second battle of Tarain in which Mohd.Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan. 1398 Timur invaded India. 1498 Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut.The Battle of Diu (1509), was the culmination of a global trade war. On one side were allied forces o...
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GOVERNOR GENERALS/ Governor of Bengal Warren Hastings (1772-1785 AD) Hastings was imprisoned with others in the Bengali capital, Murshidabad , by the Nawab Siraj ud daula Robert Clive arrived to rescue him. Hastings served as a volunteer in Clive's forces as they retook Calcutta 1757. Warren Hastings came as Governor of Bengal/ Governor of the Presidency of Fort William (Bengal) in 1772 at the age of forty Under the Mughal system, the diwan was in charge of the revenue collection and to decide all cases related to land and land revenue. With the grant of the Diwani (1765) the Company also obtained the responsibility of the civil justice. Collection of revenue was taken over by the Company. severe Bengal Famine , which resulted in about ten million deaths. Zamindars were given judicial powers establishment of civil and criminal courts in each district . In 1773 Regulating Act was passed by the British Parliament in orde...